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24 Hour Mold Remediation

Here at 24 Hour Flood Pros™, we understand that flooding threatens your home with a number of problems. That’s why we offer solutions for any problem resulting from storms and floods—including mold remediation. Mold, mildew, and other biological growth factors can pose a serious threat to the health and safety of your family or tenants.

Whether you’re currently experiencing problems with mold or are getting out ahead of the problem in time for the rainy season, 24 Hour Flood Pros™ will prevent mold from upending your life.

Mold is one of the most vicious threats to your home. A terror to both your living space and your health, it’s also one of the most stubborn and resilient forms of life. Once mold takes root, it spreads rapidly and becomes very difficult to eliminate. While our expert staff are plenty experienced in ridding homes of mold, we’re equally proven in attacking the problem at its root. That’s essentially what mold remediation is: the process of making your home mold-proof.

Mold is a type of fungi, like mushrooms. Unfortunately, mold bears almost no resemblance to the food we eat. For one, it tends to grow on rotting substances, such as soaked wood, walls, and carpet. Mold loves moisture, so where there’s water, there will be mold. That’s why it’s imperative that homeowners address the threat of mold before it manifests, whereupon it can cause far bigger problems than water damage.

A Dirty Window

Mold’s Hazards & Effects

Mold’s Hazards & Effects

The Dangers Of Mold

Many people think of mold as an ugly nuisance—and they’re absolutely right, but mold poses far more significant threats. Mold reigns terror over your home’s structure, creeps out from the walls, and grows rapidly across furniture. Once it takes root it becomes very difficult to eradicate. Furthermore, if ingested, mold can be extremely toxic. Enough mold can even make it dangerous for you to breathe in your own home.

Mold’s health hazards include:

  • Sore throat, coughing, and wheezing
  • Headaches and fatigue
  • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
  • Irritated skin
  • Labored breathing
  • Lung damage and respiratory infections

Identifying Mold

Mold is obvious once you know how to recognize it. Until then, unless it’s already gotten out of hand, it can be sneaky. Learning to identify mold is crucial to fighting it. Some of the telltale signs include:

  • Allergies, coughing, and wheezing among the family
  • Spots, blackness, or discoloration on walls and floors
  • Increased moisture
  • Old, musty stench

Once you’ve spotted mold, it’s imperative that you contact 24 Hour Flood Pros™. With decades of combined experience, our mold remediation services are unequaled in the field.

Our Mold Remediation Services

We employ the latest technology and innovations in mold remediation to track mold and locate the source. Additionally, for those without current mold problems, we can also lay the groundwork to prevent buildup should water damage or flooding threaten to produce mold. Our team prides itself on mold remediation and spreading awareness of the dangers of mold.

Most importantly, we offer peace of mind. We know that your schedule, like all Americans’, is jam-packed with work, kids, and rich personal events. It’s almost impossible to imagine fitting mold remediation into everyday life, let alone understanding where to start. We’re here to make sure it never becomes a problem for you.

The Best In Mold Remediation Services

Mold remediation is a serious task that requires a vast store of knowledge and experience. 24 Hour Flood Pros™ has provided mold remediation services to more households than any competitor in the country. To ensure the safety and integrity of your home, it’s crucial that you give us a call today.

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